Life Talent Level 1
Tools for Personal Transformation
Intensive Coaching Group
Dates TBA
By application only
For those seeking entry to
The Life Talent Programme Level 2
The Life Talent Programme Level 2
Dates TBA
The Life Talent Programme aims to be one of the most transformative personal evolution programmes in the world.
Do you want to change your life?
- Are you someone who is successful in many ways, yet you feel a quiet desperation to make the changes that you long for?
- Are you someone who wants to fulfil your dreams more fully?
- Do you hold back because changing your life holds almost as much risk as staying where you are?
- Would you like to take the necessary steps to radically improve the quality of your life?
“There is no passion to be found in playing small –
in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living…
As we make our own light shine,
we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson
This is for you if…
- You want to transform your relationship with yourself, your personal life or your career , this year.
- You want to make your passion the centre of your life and career.
- You aren’t quite fulfilling your potential.
- You have had a good career to date but have had enough of it, and want to transition to a new life.
- You have been in a relationship for a long time and it has ended, and you want to create a new, positive future.
- You are coming to retirement and want a positive future in which you give your gift to the world (where your passion is more important than making money).
A gift to yourself
The Life Talent Programme is a gift to yourself in creating greater confidence in what you have to offer and in developing a life you love.
After attending this nine month programme, you will be
The aim is that you would be
- Living more of the time in a state of flow, a generative state. In this state we communicate better, take considered risks, and are more likely to be successful.
- Applying your Life-Calling daily in your relationship with yourself, in your personal life and in giving your gift to the world.
- Using your strengths with confidence.
- Able to engage with your inner resources whenever you want to.
- Feeling more connected with your “tribe” and empowered by them. Your “tribe” are the people who truly see who you are and what you stand for and say “yes” to you.
- Inspired by your vision for your life
- Working towards that vision
- Motivated by big-picture strategic visions for each big decade of your life and tracking your progress towards the achievement of those visions.
- Managing a healthy the balance between achievement, becoming, and being. Creativity, connection and authentic human encounter come from spontanous being.
- Monitoring and adjusting your work-life balance to have the most nourishing balance between work, personal life and time for yourself.
- Using psychological tools to bring yourself back into alignment, when emotionally triggered by external events.
- More fully healed in your vulnerabilities, with compassion for your vulnerabities.
- have resourceful strategies for taking care of yourself when those vulnerable places in you are touched.
- Will have brought compassion and healing to your core wounds, the secret parts of yourself that you seldom talk to other about.
- Feeling that the healing process you are in makes you deeper and wiser then if you had never been wounded in the first place. This is about turning wounds into gifts.
- Firmly on the path of self-mastery – the path of fulfilling your potential in life. This path includes achievement, becoming and being.
- Enjoying your successes and taking setbacks in your stride as an inevitable part of the learning process of life.

I’m here to support you
My passion is helping people blossom.
I have been on my own path of personal exploration for 40 years and leading others on theirs since the 1980s. Today I offer open workshops, on-going groups, and am an executive coach to leaders in global organizations in Europe, USA and Asia.
I have been a UKCP registered psychotherapist, hold a 2nd dan black-belt in Aikido, practise yoga and Five Rhythms dance and am a long-term heart student of a great Buddhist Master. I have been a volunteer at my local hospital as part of the Chaplaincy Spiritual Care Team. I was a Founding Member of the International Association for Generative Change, and a Generative Change and Creative Mind Trainer.
So I really am here to support you on this journey. It’s what I love to do and have been practising for many years. As you blossom, so do I.
The Life Talent Programme has 4 key elements
- Make the most of yourself: deepen and live your Life-Calling: live a life you love.
- Heal obstacles to success and happiness: discover what stops you from living your life more fully, from being more powerful in expressing yourself in the world. Bring compassion to these psychological blocks to release your potential. Transformation takes place when you love yourself the way you are.
- Take action: the best way to find out if something is going to work is to try it out with low risk, cheaply and quickly. Set goals that you really want in your life, and learn to achieve them.
- Learn to feel the support of life itself: be enchanted by the great mystery of life, the magnificence of the world around you, and discover that life loves you.
All this is included when you enrol
in the Life Talent Programme: Level 2
- 29 three hour sessions between April and December.
- 2 X 30 minute online one-to-one coaching session with Julian Russell each term.
- An opportunity to focus on fulfilling your potential – body, emotion, mind and spirit.
- A systematic approach to transforming your life using psychological and (non-religious) spiritual tools.
- An integrated personal development curriculum with handouts.
- A group culture of deep sharing, mutual support and belief in each other.
- Weekly peer-coaching phone calls and support.
- Sharing by email and WhatsApp.
This is what we cover – module by module
Module 1: Make the most of your life
Increase your commitment to your Life-Calling and what you are great at; develop a vision for your life and enhance your psychological resources. We will look in more detail at what stops you from fulfilling your dreams and your potential. Unlock the disempowering beliefs that stop you moving forward and replace them with new, empowering beliefs.
Module 2: Turn your wounds into gifts
Go to the root cause of the dis-empowering beliefs you have about yourself, heal them and create the possibility of empowering beliefs. Put down old wounds that hold you back and move forward in your life. Once you heal old wounds they become gifts that support your Life-Calling. Once you discover how your old difficulties make you passionate about your Life-Calling, they stop being a burden and become resources.
Module 3: Self Love, self confidence and happiness
Develop an empowering self-image and belief in yourself. You will learn to identify negative beliefs, create positive beliefs, and to systematically replace the old with the new by coaching yourself in a positive way, on a daily basis. Learn to appreciate, and focus on, what makes you feel great and how to have more of it in your life. Positive emotions increase your ability to be successful. Wonder at the magnificent mystery of life.
Module 4: Expressing yourself in the world
With your new vision for your life and sense of empowerment, update your personal and professional goals and make sure your plan to make them happen is going to deliver the results you want. Learn to communicate who you are and what you stand for, more clearly into the world. It is not enough to know what you stand for – you also need to be able to attract the right people in your personal life, and to show your special value to your stakeholder and customers in your professional life. Give your gift to the world. Be the change you want in the world.
How we work together
The classes will be conducted on Zoom with presentations, demonstrations of exercises, group sharing, meditations, small group exercises in break-out rooms and personal coaching from Julian. You will need to use a device, ideally a computer, with video and audio and be undisturbed in a quiet location.
In addition to attending the weekly class, we will participate in peer coaching sessions with another participant each week. There will be email and WhatsApp to share your daily experience with each other. You will be part of a small Home Group throughout the programme.
We use demonstrations by the trainer, group meditations, body-mind exercises and sharing, to support the unfolding personal and group potential.
We work with our own personal experience and also with how this reflects the collective experience of being human. In facing our own personal challenges, we act as a representative for all of humanity in facing these challenges – by facing our own difficulties we are pioneers for a psychological evolution of humanity.
The approach draws on everything I have learnt since I was 15 years old – more than 50 years – including the psychology of awakening, Creative Mind, Generative Change, Transpersonal and Humanistic psychology, CBT, Mindfulness, NLP, Positive Psychology, Self Relations, guided visualization, group process, compassionate witnessing, Buddhist psychology, Contemplative Christianity and other approaches.
What we focus on
In The Life Talent Programme, we focus on your strengths and talents, finding and deepening access to your resources and/or finding new ones, building resilience, and healing psychological wounds (the things which stop us), to create new paths to lead us where we want to go.
We do this by forming a clear life vision and a plan for how to achieve that vision. People who focus on their strengths are six times more likely to be engaged in their work* and engaged people also work 25% harder** – so imagine what could be possible if you were fully passionate about your life.
Once you have a clear sense of your Life-Calling and are ready to learn how to live it more fully and visibly out in the world, shining your light, you may or may not know how to do that.
But the real issue is likely to be that you have a fair amount of fear and doubt that it is even possible. You may feel there is a huge gulf between your Life-Calling and your work, and have no idea how to bridge it, or you may be someone that feels that your current career has potential to support you living your Life-Calling, but that your work is not getting the best out of you and you want to make a change up or sideways into more fulfilling territory.
For some people, it may also be that your personal life is not lived in a way that brings a smile and a ‘yes’ to your lips. In any case, you feel something is missing but lack the support, confidence or motivation that is necessary to make the changes you want to make in your life, whether this means being able to talk to other people confidently and inspirationally about who you are and what you are passionate about, or whether you want to entirely change your career or business.
* Gallup on Strengthsfinder
** Driving Performance & Retention through Employee Engagement, Corporate Leadership 2004
Give this wonderful gift to yourself!
All change needs an investment of resources, both practical and psychological.
The Life Talent Programme is a gift to yourself in creating greater confidence in what you have to offer and in developing a life you love.
As the wife of ‘Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon’ Oscar winning film Director, Ang Lee said to him (when he was about to give up and study computing): “Ang, don’t forget your dreams.”
You can start the programme today
As soon as you sign up for The Life Talent Programme, it starts. You receive pre-course assignments – things to think about and questions to answer. When your responses arrive, I will comment and engage with you by email to help you build momentum in your life in advance of the first session.
What are the entry requirements?
Before participating in the Life Talent Programme: Level 2, you must have attended one of these workshops:
- Tools for Personal Transformation: Life Talent Level 1
- The 2019 Personal Transformation Intensive.
- Discover Your Life-Calling (if your Life-Calling is clear).
- Love What You Do (if your Life-Calling is clear).
When do the sessions run?
Summer Term: Thursdays, 20 April to 20 July 2023
Autumn Term: Thursdays, 7 September to 14 December
4pm-7pm London, 8am-11am PST, 5pm-8pm CET
As each session of the programme builds on what we learnt at the previous session, it is important for participants to attend all sessions. However life sometimes intervenes, and it is permissible to miss 2 session per term as long as you are willing to watch the video and catch up on the exercises you have missed with a coaching partner. To protect confidentiality, the video is only available for seven days to course participants who missed the session for catch-up purposes and is not a substitute for attending the session.
Where’s the venue?
This takes place online on Zoom, supported peer coaching calls, email group, WhatsApp group, videos and articles.
What’s the fee?
In this time of COVID 19, I want to enable most people, whatever their personal circumstances, to participate. I will therefore run this course on a donation basis. To help you consider the value of my time and my own income needs, I am suggesting 3 possible levels of donation:
Standard donation: £1,700
Low income minimum donation: £1,300. Speak to me if even this feels too much.
Professional individual and/or tax deductible: £2,300
When you decide on your donation, please take into account that the course includes two 1:1 coaching sessions (one each term) with Julian. (Julian currently charges £140 per hour to self-paying personal development clients).
These are suggestions – please pay what you can afford between the lower and the upper figures. The donation system pays less well than a fixed fee system so, in response to my trust in you, please support my work as best you can.
There are three ways you can pay:
Full Payment in Advance: Paying in advance keeps our admin costs down.
Two Payments Before Each Term: Pay half when you book and the other half before 31st August.
Payment by monthly instalments: Divide the amount you want to pay by 9 months and pay the first instalment when you book and then a further 8 payments on the first of each month, by bank transfer or Paypal from, 1st May to the 1st December.
Opportunity for optional additional donation at the end of the programme: given the current economic uncertainty, several participants have said they might increase their donation at the end of the programme if their work has picked up again. We will remind everyone of this at the time. This is optional based on circumstances.
Email to book, telling her whether you want to pay in advance or by instalment, and how much.
Talk to Julian about the programme
If you are interested in the Life Talent Programme, get in touch to schedule a FREE call with Julian Russell, to find out if it is a fit for you and to answer your questions.
For questions, email Julian:
To book, email Linda:
Telephone: +44 (0)7480558942
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